If you have not already copied the video from your Google Slideshow, do that now by selecting the video and copying it.This will open a blank Google Drawing canvas.Click " Insert" in the top menu bar, then choose " Drawing".Open the Google Doc you want to add the video to.Now that you have the video ready, you will copy and paste it into your Doc: You can now set the " Start at" and/or " End at" options as desired.If so, click on the video to select it, then click " Video options" in the top toolbar.After you insert the video, you can choose to adjust the start and/or end time for the video if you do not want all of it to play.

You can embed Google Drawings into your Doc right from the " Insert" menu. However, there is another powerful tool that's been sitting right there in the Docs menu all this time, which can provide you with loads of extra features that you may not have realized you had.

Sometimes we can extend the capabilities of Docs by installing add-ons or extensions. If you have ever made that claim, then you know the frustration of loving all the awesome things you can do in Docs, but still bumping up against limitations. You can see all of the posts for each day as they get released in the main post here: " 12 Days of Tech-Mas 2017".

Note: This post is part of my " 12 Days of Tech-Mas" series for 2017. On the 8th day of Tech-Mas my true love gave to me… 8 Docs Drawings.