Serve meals as scheduled to see if the pattern continuesĭ. Close the restaurant and notify the regulatory authority'Ĭ. Send salad bar ingredients to a lab for testing What should the manager of the hotel restaurant do first? A.

Keep chemicals in t he open to monitor their use A few unrelated people report to the hotel that they experienced nausea and vomiting after eating at the salad bar. Allow visitors to explore without supervisionĭ. Require visitors to wear single-use glovesĬ. Verify the identity of unknown visitors'ī. Thawing chicken breasts in the microwave How should a manager prevent intentional food contamination by visitors who enter the food preparation area? 'A. What requires a food establishment to obtain a variance from the regulatory authority? 'A.

Near the food preparation area' A manager sees that a food worker who is about to start his shift is chewing gum. In the cupboads of an employee dressing room Where must a designated food worker handwashing sink be located? A. In the walk-in refrigerator under raw meatsĭ. Where is an acceptable storage location? A. A food worker has just received a shipment of several bags of flour and needs to store them.